
This one-way experience builder adds a total of approximately 70 miles to your nautical experience, and has a duration of 4 days. We offer the following 2 routes:

Example of one of the routes  

 The route will depart from our base in Nieuwpoort and set sail in a Northerly direction along the coast of Belgium. We will be experiencing the effects of tide, navigate through shallow sand bank areas and encounter shipping traffic. After staying a night at one of the Belgian coastal ports, we will pass the locks and enter the Oosterschelde.  We will be sailing along the coast and on the estuary, navigating our way using buoys and other navigational markers. The final destination is Kats, centrally located on the Oosterschelde. 

27 to 30 March 2023

Sailing in northerly direction from Nieuwpoort, along the Belgian coast, to the Oosterschelde estuary in Zeeland, with stops in various ports. 

18 to 21 May 2023: Sailing in southerly direction from Zeeland and the Oosterschelde estuary along the Belgian coast to Nieuwpoort.

Recommended previous experience:  Sailing on the level of Day Skipper or Competent Crew is preferable. This experience builder is classified as suitable for ‘beginners’.

Recommended knowledge:  

RYA Day Skipper shorebased or Essential Navigation theory

Duration: 4 days

Cost: 1135 euro for this 4 day One-way Experience Builder

Dates : 
  • 4 day Experience Builder from Nieuwpoort to Zeeland on 27 to 30 March 2023

What do you get at the end:

Your miles and day/night sailing hours will be signed off in your personal logbook at the end of the experience builder